The Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory,University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign(MRL)--伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校弗雷德里克·塞茨材料研究实验室



  The Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) fosters interdisciplinary research at the forefront of materials science. MRL brings together world-class faculty and students in condensed matter physics, materials chemistry, and materials science in a highly collaborative research environment. Many departments on campus are represented, including:

  Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


  Electrical and Computer Engineering

  Materials Science and Engineering

  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

  Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering


  MRL is also home to several large-scale, multi-investigator research programs . These research activities are supported by the Department of Energy' s Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division (DOE BESDMS); Department of Defense (DOD) agencies and DARPA; the National Science Foundation (NSF); other federal agencies; industry; and the University of Illinois.

  We aim to educate scientists and engineers at the graduate and post-doctoral levels in the broadly defined discipline of materials science, and to transfer science and technology developed at MRL to other DOE National Laboratories and to U.S. industry via research collaborations, mutually supportive interactions, and hiring of our outstanding students and post-doctoral researchers.

  MRL boasts an exceptional array of research facilities, including:

  Center for Microanalysis of Materials

  Micro/Nanofabrication Facility

  Laser and Spectroscopy Facility