University of Tokyo--日本东京大学

来源: 日本东京大学



  The University of Tokyo, as a national university corporation supported by the Japanese people, is committed to fulfilling its public responsibility through academic research and by fostering new talent, thus providing a reliable compass to the future. It goes without saying that the problems we face today and in our daily lives exist within the context of our mutual relations with other countries. The education and research activities of the University of Tokyo cannot be sustained without the involvement of the rest of the world, and we hope that the benefits of that research will be widely enjoyed by humanity at large.

  As society faces up to the challenges of today, so the University of Tokyo will bear its share of the burden through the creation of new academic value and the construction of diverse education and research programs. We will continue to concentrate our labors on reinforcing the academic foundations that make this challenge possible, and with this in mind, the University of Tokyo spreads its academic wings not just to the present and the future, but to the past as well. A determined effort to realize the future possibilities of knowledge, combined with a historically-tempered awareness of the accumulation of wisdom is the essential prerequisite for the creation of human knowledge. It is by focusing not just on scholarship for acclaim today, but by ensuring the sustenance and continued development of diverse disciplines that we can enrich the foundations of knowledge and nurture new sources of creativity.